
Donate to Ensemble Laude

As a registered non-profit society with charitable status, the Ensemble Laude Choral Society (ELCS) welcomes private donations from our patrons and supporters.

Your kind support helps Ensemble Laude give back to our community and is very much appreciated. We also welcome monthly donations if you would like to spread your contribution out over time!

Donor Levels

Unicorn $1000+

This donor gives far more than anyone could ever imagine…

Phoenix $500-$999

This donor raises Ensemble Laude from the ashes!

Gryffin $250-$499

Donates strongly and reliably, perhaps every season.

Dragon $100-$249

A generous donor, this person breathes fire on anyone who refuses to match their donation.

Chimera $20-$99

This donor donates at mysterious, sporadic times.

Note: Donations are eligible for a charitable tax receipt.

Please also contact us regarding helping us commission new music!  As a patron of the arts your name will go down in posterity, immortalized on a musical score!

Donate by Cheque or Online

Cheques may be sent to Ensemble Laude Choral Society, PO Box 48102, Victoria, BC V8Z 7H5

If you would like a convenient, secure way to donate to our choral society, complete with tax-deductible receipt, you can do so online through CanadaHelps. Please click the button below for direct access to the ELCS donation page on (Please note that this option is for donors only.)

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